UStamp winners announced….Did you get this email from me today?


Hi All,

Kinda feeling like Ed McMahon today……….here’s why 😀

Did you get this email from me today?  If you did you are one of the 5 winners of the free UStamp Oh My Word! 2011 Edition passes so generously provided by Dawn Rapsas.

Good news to report…. you are a winner of one of the 5 UStamp free passes recently offered on my blog.  I’ve forwarded your name and email to Dawn Rapsas and you should be receiving your invitation link directly from her soon.   If for some reason you don’t hear from her within a day or two please let me know and I’ll follow up.
Thank you again for participating in the drawing and sharing some of your favorite stamps.  Looks like the clear winner was Teeny Tiny Wishes for most utility and wide range of use.  I picked up a few other ideas for sets I’ll have to take another look at too.
Take care and enjoy the UStamp experience.  Trust me…after this…you’ll be hooked!  I know I am!  LOL!
Jean Fitch

If you didn’t receive that email you still have time to join the fun – – well worth the entrance fee.  For more information check out this post here or go directly to the UStamp gateway site here.

Here’s the graphic:

And here are the lucky winners:

Carrie Sampsel
Linda M.
Maurita Wilkerson
TXJenny Wren
Ann Schach

See you online….

Hugs and blessings – Jean

Oh My Word!!! Free UStamp passes are waiting!

Oh My Word……Dawn has done it again!

Once again my fellow demonstrator and Event planner extraordinaire Dawn Rapsas has created another fun online event.  AND…..she’s given me 5 free passes to pass out to 5 lucky winners!

UStamp’s Oh My Word!! Edition 2011 starts Friday, February 11th.

Here’s what you can look forward to if you sign up to join the fun or if you are one of the 5 lucky free pass winners:

Ustamp is a Stampin’ Up! based event/place/dream(?)  – the ultimate online Stamp Camp really – with multiple designers, projects posted daily, swaps to participate in (if you want to), Project video’s and PDF’s, chat room, gallery and more.  

The Occasions Mini Catalog, Sale-a-bration Brochure and IB&C Hostess Products as well as some other seasonal catalog favorites, take Center Stage for this event!!

* 40+ Projects…every single one with at least one word!!

* 40+ unique Color Combos…using every single SU! Color…no color gets left behind

* 40+ co-ordinating cards with co-ordinating stamped/embellished envelopes

* ALL 40+ Projects include downloadable PDF with Photo’s

* Designer hosted chats with LOTS of prizes

* Open Chat Room 24×7

* Gallery to share your re-creations

* A totally cool blinkie for your website/blog

I have to say I found the last event a blast…I even learned to chat…in a room…with key clicks and everything.   I know chatting should come naturally to yours truly who always has something to say right??   Well when key clicks are involved I’m still a beginner.  Sad to say I had to ask how it worked.  Luckily there were lots of understanding pro’s ready to help.   How cool to talk with someone in Japan in real time!!   At least I guess it’s real time…I’m still wrapping my head around the whole time /date line differential…makes it feel a bit like time travel if I stop to think about it.  When you get into current events it gets tricky since something that happens here on a Wednesday happens elsewhere on a Tuesday or Thursday.   Have to ask… does the location of the event determine whose date is used?  Luckily when it comes to stamping…every day is a good day to stamp.


So what do you do to join the fun?   

To learn more about signing up or getting more details click the UStamp banner image to go to the gateway site.  

To compete for the 5 free passes Dawn so graciously gifted me with…leave me a comment on this post by midnight (West Coast time – PST)  Friday and tell me what your favorite word or word stamp set is.   Feel free to tell me what your all time fav is too if you have one…even if its retired.  I’ll announce the winner on Saturday and pass the info along to Dawn.  Make sure to leave me your email address that you want her to send your linked invite to.

At the moment my favorite words are Bliss, Blessed and Blessing!   Luckily the Sale-a-Bration stamp set Bliss fits the bill and the word Blessed can be found in the new Occasions set Blessed Mother.


Many, many thanks Dawn for sharing this opportunity..I’m looking forward to being part of the …and Friends once again and jumping in on the stamping and papercrafting excitement. 

Hope to see you there!

Hugs and Blessings – Jean

Whoo hoo…UStamp winners announced!

Hi All,

Here it is Wednesday already and the  5 UStamp winners have been selected courtesy of 


Assuming I’ve done the counting correctly the UStamp winners are:

  2 – Debbie Flattum

10 – Mary Lecuyer

12 – Holly/Rubber Redneck

13 – Lori Ingebritson

14 – Ruth Snyder

(highlighted names have links to the winners very fun blogs)

Congratulations….If you ladies don’t hear from me today please email me with your preferred email address so I can pass the info along to Dawn and she’ll get your invites out to you PDQ.  There are still plenty of projects to see and daily chats with prizes and contests and more to jump in on.

Thank you Dawn once again for sharing the passes.   And thank you one and all for participating in the draw.  For more details about what UStamp is all about or to sign up for the session check out this link or click on the banner at the top of the post.

See you in the chat room ladies!

Hugs and blessings – Jean

Dash to 10,000: The Great Stampin Addicts Gallery Gussy Up and Giveaway!

Hi all,

I’ll leave this pinned to the top of the blog for a bit so scroll on down for new content.

Note:  Yay!  We Made It!!

Received this info in my SA mailbox and thought you all might want to play along.  Stampin’ Addicts is a fairly new and growing online community that is unabashedly Stampin’ Up to the core.   The gallery is growing but could use some help.  Many of you have seen it listed on my Frugal Friday and Tightwad Tuesday posts.  And wouldn’t you know it – the stamp set on offer as a prize will be featured on this Friday’s Frugal Friday post.  Talk about timing and cosmic coincidence!   I’m hoping that means that the winning stamp set is destined for my stamp room – just saying so you know my true intentions here – LoL!  Got go now and get busy posting.  As the saying goes…if you don’t play you can’t win….if you don’t post…you’ll have to buy your own Sweet Seasons set!


Stampin Addicts gallery has smashed through the 8000 upload mark–and now we have our sights on breaking 10,000!

So, to pump everyone up, SA is proud to announce THE GREAT GALLERY GUSSY AND GIVEAWAY!

Upload every creationof yours you can by November 8, and you just may be the lucky winner of Sweet Season, a So Shelli favorite set on page 29 of the IBC.

Sweet Season is the perfect set for all your gift giving, at the holidays and year round! If you don’t have it, you need it. And for those who already have it, it would make a terrific gift for someone on your shopping list, or even a great incentive for your downline and/or customers.

(Hey demos, you could even build a last-minute ‘Gussy Up Your Gifts’ class around Sweet Seasons for those ‘Oh I’m not crafty’ people in your life and prime the pump for Sale-A-Bration!)

For fun ideas on what you can do with this set, check out the Sweet Season gallery.

Are you drooling at the thought of all the wonderful confections you can create with Sweet Season? Well quit drooling and start uploading!

Good luck, stampers and scrappers!

For more details, see our (Official Rules: The SA Great Gallery Gussy Up and Giveaway!)official rules.

Tightwad Tuesday: Featuring the set “Introducing”

Hello my friends… and welcome once again to Tightwad Tuesday where Stamps and wheels under $20 are featured for your enjoyment.   And added to that read on down to the bottom and you’ll find an informal contest with a card as the prize.

For a full listing of frugally priced under $20 stamps and wheels check out my right hand sidebar for  lists from the main catalog and the Holiday mini that you can view and print or download to your very own computer for future reference.

Todays featured set is Introducing.   This set is a reasonably priced set of stamps for creating Invitations and more.  Also available as a My Digital Studio Download file for use with MDS and other graphics based software like Photoshop, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher.

For close ups of the samples I borrowed from SU sources click on the picture.  The one on the right is from New Zealand so disregard the page number reference.

Introducing Sample - Stampin Success     Introducing Sample from NZ spring catalog


Introducing stamp set

Introducing ( #114443, $15.95, pg. 146)        Set of 4 stamps.

Make introductions and invitations with these images, which are versatile enough to use for baby announcements, weddings, birthdays, and more.

MDS version # 118839, Under $2.20       *These and many other images are available as part of the standard install of the My Digital Studio software. If you already have the software, you already have these images.

This set was just a bit tricky to research as all Google searches returned everything but the stamp set itself (after all SU and bloggers alike do a lot of “introducing”).   Good news is that this set is frugally priced so you can create your own samples and projects…and…also included in the new MDS or available as a separate download so you can do dual duty with or without stamps and still be under $20 with both combined.    While SU has and has had many similar sets for creating invitations few are so reasonably priced and yet cover a wide range of possibilities.  Save the Date cards are increasingly popular in our busy lives and Introducing….has lots of possibilities from new kids, new kittens, new spouses as well as activities and more  for cards and scrapbooks, tags and even posters or flyers.  And of course You’re Invited is the heart of the set.   Think of all the many things besides invitations you can use this for…..

You’re Invited….to clean up your room (note for a teenage son perhaps) or on a more positive note….You’re Invited to a driving lesson!

You’re Invited….to join me for some fun and frolic after the kids are asleep (perfect for letting your hubby know you are in the mood :D)

You’re Invited….to acknowledge Jesus as Savior and King (perfect for holiday card or other appropriate moments)

You’re Invited….(fill in the blank)  

Tip: If you are in need of a journaling block of lines you can ink up just the dots on the invitation block by themselves to create a series of lines to keep your writing straight.

Tip: I recently used some acetate and the various Movers and Shapers dies SU sells to create a set of stencils.  It occurred to me that several of the shapes (star, heart, bird, etc) would make a perfect stenciled shadow piece underneath the Save the Date or You’re Invited from today’s featured set.  Using a stamping sponge or sponge dauber and a light touch you can create a unique  shape  image to stamp over.  Depending on the shape you use you could highlight the theme of the invite – Wedding/Engagement (heart), Baptism (bird), Birthday (star), etc.



SCS Gallery: & & – ribbon weaving and an invitation – Halloween invite – Big Shot Baby Carriage invite – childs birthday party


Don’t forget to tune in Friday for another Frugal installment featuring some stamps I think you will find a surprise (surprised me too since I forgot to put them on the list :D).   Just to make it interesting the first person to leave a comment with their correct guess as to what the featured stamp(s) will be will receive a copy of my Cardinal Christmas Card from the recent SAS featured  here).

Until then Happy stamping, hug the ones you love and please, please pray that my scanner can be resurrected – I have so many finished projects to share with you and my scanner refuses to turn on!  Unfortunately a new one isn’t in the budget so I’m praying God will resurrect whatever connection isn’t working so I can continue to use the current one.  I know it sounds optimistic but if you don’t ask you don’t see miracles right??


What my cats have been doing under my stamp table lately (though these cute critters are actor/stand-ins since the pit under my table is too dark for pictures).

Hugs and Blessings – Jean

Blog Candy Winner!

Hi All,

Thanks for your patience in waiting for this post!  Between Internet issues and health issues it’s been a mostly offline week.  Thank goodness I had a couple of posts in the can.  Now I get to play catchup. 

So on with the announcement….

 500 hits blog candy winner selected comment #12 as the winner.

Sandy Fechtenburg, on August 7th, 2009 at 2:41 PM Said:

Jean, congrats on your blog and all the hits! If anybody deserves to have a successful blog it’s you! Thanks for all you do, we really appreciate you and all the great info!
Hugs! Sandy (not your cat!)

Congratulations Sandy and thanks for the lovely comment – my feline Sandy friend is purring up a storm that selected your comment! 😀   I’ve sent you an email requesting your address and will send off your box once I receive your reply.

 And a heartfelt thank you to all of you who left such encouraging and positive comments.   Time now to hit the studio and create some original cards for future posts!

Hugs and Blessings – Jean

Laughter is good for the soul and for the stamp collection :D

Hi All,

Well I found the camera and then had to find some batteries and then discovered I really suck at taking pictures with my 10 year old digital camera.   The folding light booth when I get it built should help but at the moment my stamp studio is over 100 degrees inside so I’m really not that motivated to get my homemade set up made up so for today here is what’s on offer…..another fun RAK …this time from Lydia over at Understand Blue.  If you haven’t found her blog yet you really should.  Wonderful cards, crazy sense of humor and of course cats!  Two very cool cats who get their paws into everything she does (not to mention having their claws thoroughly hooked into her heart).   Lydia’s other blog Project Reanimate is right up my alley.  Remaking and reusing common everyday items to create very cool art.   Particular sly humor attaches to her use of magazines that were once trees being turned into paper tree’s in a forest!  Talk about reanimation!  And her latest take on fairy tales is amazing (see that here).

That same thought process applies to making everyday objects fun and the presentation just as fun.       Lydia's Make me Laugh RAK 001A RAK  I received from Lydia is a perfect case in point.  Lydia has a Make Me Laugh Monday thing going from time to time on her blog.  And the winner generally receives a fun RAK of some kind.  Now many bloggers would just drop the prize in an envelope and that would be that.   Lydia on the other hand makes the process as fun for the mail people as the recipient.   See the tree from Branch Out on the box?  Well Lydia covered 4 sides of the box with this lovely tree and fun smile on top of the box too!    And that’s just the outside.  Inside I found a fun Fresh-Cut Notes card from Stampin’ Up (catalog pg. 168) with a sweet message and also a smile stamp from one of SU’s incentive stamp sets available for demo’s use (one of many fun demo only items available when you join SU).

The box is now proudly sitting on my shelf and I smile evertime I see it.   Has me thinking ahead to Christmas and all those other occasions when I send out packages.  After all stamps aren’t only for cards right??  

Thanks Lydia for the reminder!  And for adding smiles to my day too!

Hugs and blessings to you all – Jean

Big Shot Die Pack….my home is your home!

ETA:  Contest is closed now and sadly I didn’t win 😦    However another very worthy Stampin’ Addcts stamper did so…Yay!  Big Shot dies went to a good home!


Stampin, a wonderful online community for Stampin’ Up! addicts,  is running a “Stampin’ Up! Big Shot” contest for Big Shot loving bloggers so you know I just had to enter 😀


Stampin’ Up! just released the 2009-2010 Idea Book & Catalog and it’s loaded with new products that every stamper must have. As part of the summer celebration Stampin Addicts is holding a blog contest during the month of July giving away a Big Shot die pack made up of 5 new exclusive Stampin’ Up! dies.

sa-july-contest - Big Shot pack of dies

  • Stampin’ Up! Thanks (Embosslits)
  • Stampin’ Up! Final Press (Embossing Folders)
  • Stampin’ Up! Perfect Details (Textured Plates)
  • Stampin’ Up! Two Tags (Bigz Dies)
  • Stampin’ Up! Fancy Favor (Bigz XL Dies)


So that’s what I’m hoping to win (keep your fingers crossed for me okay?  And a few prayers wouldn’t hurt either!  :D).  If it looks good to you and you want to enter to win  click Big Shot Die Pack to find the details.   Don’t have a blog?   The contest is open to Facebookers, Stumble Upon and Tweeters too!  

Don’t want to hassle a contest but have to have these great new crafting tools?  Email me with your order info or use my link to the online store and select me as your demonstrator!

Hugs and Blessings – Jean