Thanks for the prayers and caring

Hi All,

My apologies for the lack of organized posts the last little while and the delayed newsletters as well.   I’ve been struggling with some extreme health issues and most recently a death in the family.   My wonderful Mother in Law Dorothy Fitch has joined her husband Don, son Stephen (my husband) and a host of family and friends in Heaven.   Last week, after a several year struggle with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), Mom began her new journey surrounded by family.   While I’m heartbroken at losing someone who has been both a friend and mother for the better part of the last 34 years it was clearly best for her.  ALS is unbelievably difficult to cope with since it slowly destroy’s all the bodies function and capabilities while leaving the mind totally intact.   I’m greatly saddened that my own health will not allow me to be present 700 miles away at what I’m sure will be a wonderful celebration of a life but I’ll be there in spirit sharing the love and spending time remembering a wonderful soul and a truly great lady.   An artist and artisan herself Mom always encouraged others as well.   A master quilter, painter, and creator of spirit filled banners and other inspirational Church Decor Mom’s greatest art projects were truly her children and grandchildren.   Each individual was cherished and encouraged (okay chastised as needed as well – but that’s what Mom’s are for right?) and given room to grow and find their own creative outlets.   Boys and girls both were taught to cook, sew and appreciate the gifts God had blessed them with.  Best of all Mom loved to play.  I’ve never seen another grownup who actually loved spending time playing and letting that play be directed by the child involved to the largest extent as much as she did.   Whether it was art projects, cooking, make believe, telling stories or just being present no one could have had a more fun Grandma.  

We were friends and members of the same prayer group before I ever met my husband.  And she welcomed a lonely teen away from home struggling with college into her large and loving family.   I might add that I wasn’t the only one so welcomed.  Though raising 6 kids on a limited budget the table could always be stretched and bedding could always be found.  I learned some of the best lessons about hospitality and open handedness/heartedness  from Mom. 

Yes we had our moments as in all relationships (after all I married the first born son :D) but what I’ll remember is the love, the encouragement and her spiritual wisdom and maturity. 

Thank you all for your prayers, notes of concern and most of all patience.  Hopefully life will get back on track soon and I can get back to posting all the fun stuff you’ve come to expect.

Hug the ones you love and may God bless you all – Jean

5 Responses

  1. Still praying for you, It sounds like you had a wonderful Mother in law. I hope your health improves.

  2. Oh Jean, I was so saddened to hear of the loss of your very special mother-in-law. And to not be able to be there at the celebration of her life must be so difficult. I’m sorry to hear you’re still struggling with health issues of your own and will continue to pray for you.

    Hugs and blessings!

  3. Dear Jean,
    So sorry for your loss. Yes, I have missed your smiling face. I am praying for your during this difficult time. I pray that God will shower you with comfort, surround you with His loving care, and give you the strength to endure. So sorry that you are experiencing health issues, too. I have chronic health concerns and know how taxing it can all be when there is tremendous upheaval in your life.
    Your mother in law sounds like a tremendous person. While it is comforting to know she is in heaven, it is so hard to deal with her not being here with you.
    Please know that your blog-followers love you, care for you, pray for you, and love you. We will be here when you are ready. May God pour out His lovingkindness to you and your family.
    God bless you,

  4. Jean, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  5. Sorry to hear about your loss..and the sadness that follows. Hope your health turns around and that next few months go smoothly for you.

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