Sunday Rambles and new blog alert

Sunday Blessings to you all my friends,

Still struggling to get Fridays “Frugal” post to work.  For some reason between my computer, WordPress and the cats it just doesn’t want to work!!  Sandy managed to erase a good deal of it.  WordPress is playing up with transferring from a Word document and the less said about the tricks my computer is pulling the better!  Anyone have a wireless keyboard looking for a good home?????!!!! 

Oddly enough if all I want to do is type within the post mechanism or surf I’m good.  It’s just the post I want to do that’s driving me crazy.   And well Sandycat can drive a person to craziness all on her little lonesome some days!! ARGHH!   She’s now been banished from the room but I’m betting she finds a way back in soon…after all she does know how to work door handles, deadbolts, light switches and phones so what’s a closed door after that right – LoL!

Okay off the grumps and back to some great news…..I have a fabulous new blogger to tell you about today.  This lady is wickedly talented.  Lynn Pratt’s blog Stamp-n-Design is amazing.  Lots of picture tutorials, fabulous designs and not a stinker in the bunch.   Okay you all know that not every card on a blog is terrific right?  Good usually but not totally aces? Well her’s are!   How she beats the law of averages (that’s average cards to stunning cards ratio – lol) I have no idea.  I’m thinking… deals with you know who…..just kidding…she is an architectural designer after all in her other non stamping life.  So drop whatever you’re doing and check out her site.

So how did I find Lynn and others who’s links I’ve been sharing lately……

As some of you know I recently joined Late Night Stampers after having one of my own designs called out on their blog picks list and boy I have to tell you that the level of inspiration these stampers show is amazing.  If you haven’t taken a look or joined you really ought to consider it.  On the downside your families and pets may never see you off the computer again or away from your stamping desk but the creative jolt just can’t be beat so I say risk it – LoL!

Here’s the link to Late Night Stampers –

If you don’t have a Yahoo membership (free) you just have to set up a Yahoo account and then add Late Night Stampers to your groups you join.

If you have a Yahoo id already then all you have to do is add LNS and follow their directions for joining.   This group has a positive focus and encourages demo’s to be both creative and to build their business (if that’s what you are looking for the resources are there if you want to stay a hobbiest then the inspiration is also there).   Non demo’s can also join for the inspiration.

Many of the people who’s links I share here on my blog are members and it’s been a pleasure to see and learn from them.  Many are generous enough to share with group members the directions and templates not always shared directly on their blogs.  Takes a bit of getting used to how the system works but someone is always there to help newbies so jump on in.

That’s pretty much it from rainy  and chilly  Southern Oregon on a Sunday afternoon.  I’ll keep plugging away to get Frugal Friday up before next Tuesday! 

And if you are in the area for Thanksgiving add Saturday to your list of things to do that will keep you away from the Mall Madness.   My partner Cheryl and I are sponsoring an Open Studio Day when people are welcome to drop in learn a new trick or two, work on their own projects and of course play with the Big Shot and other cool tools you’re hoping Santa will put under the tree.  We’ll be here from 10-3 for sure and possibly later if there is interest.

Hugs and blessings and take some time to stamp today –  Jean

One Response

  1. Thank you so much! That is so nice!

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