Memorial Day: May Yours and Theirs be a Blessed One

Memorial Day...A Time to Remember

Hi All,

Memorial Day…A time to Remember…may it be a day of blessing for you and for those we remember.

The beautiful garden photo is from Debi Rice and on her Operation Write Home blog post she generously gave permission for it to be copied and shared.  You can see her post here.  Don’t you wish your garden had a spot  like this?   And yes Debi made the flag too!

Found this video also on the Operation Write Home Blog Hop and as I listened to the words as well as the music it touched my heart and had the tears flowing. 

I don’t know what you are planning for the day but since I’m homebound today the Flag is out on the front step and I’m busy making cards to send to Operation Write Home as well as completing an inspiring blog hop (see the previous posts for links).   Praying too for those who’ve fallen and those returned from war and recovering.  

After watching a recent Frontline episode on PBS online video viewer here I was reminded that both prayer and action are needed to bring healing to those who’ve experienced the horrors of war.  If you decide to click over I should warn you that this one is quite real, graphic and not painted with rosy pictures of duty and honor but is none the less what War can do to those called to serve and why I pray daily for its end and for healing.

I  still miss hearing stories of World War II from my Dad and Father in law.  Luckily I still remember a few.  My Dad because of a kidney injury in high school football (thank you Dick Nixon – yeah that Dick Nixon) was kept from active service but he was a civilian consultant in Germany shortly after the war ended who worked with forming the new government structures as well as having some input on the Nuremburg trials.  My Father in law was an MP in Nuremburg at the same time.  Talk about a coincidence.  Two men in the same place at the same time half a world away and almost 35 years before their kids would meet and marry.  And both swear they never met.  Hmmm….. Stranger things do happen but my husband and I always got a kick out of this eerie coincidence! 

I’d love to hear some of your stories if you’d care to comment.

Hugs and blessings to you all – Jean

PS:  Also a reminder that today is the last day for the May Scrapbooking Specials from Stampin’ Up!  If you would still like to place an order and receive the free product offered click on this flyer:

make your selections and then place your order in my online stamp store by clicking on the Online Store shopping button at the top of the right hand side bar.  Thanks for your support!

2 Responses

  1. Love that you visited the bloghop, and have my photo up! THANKS!
    I have bookmarked this blog, … and will return, and check it out this week some time! Hugs!!!

  2. Hey thanks so much for being a part of the hop for OWH. Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog! OWH is a great group, the perfect place to send cards. You have a beautiful blog and I will enjoy looking around.

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