Tightwad Tuesday: Featuring some wanna be tightwads…Serene Snowflakes & Autumn Splendor

YaY!! Tightwad Tuesday made it back onto the boards!  Okay actually this was supposed to be Frugal Friday but don’t tell Tuesday okay??  😀

But first by way of celebration here’s some cool cats doing their own version of the Bossa Nova!   Think they heard the news?

Now back to Tuesday’s scheduled festivities and frugalities……

Since we have a bit of overlap I decided to feature some seriously cool frugal stamp wanna be’s (after all if you didn’t purchase last weeks you have a few pennies to play with right? :D).   And at only 95 cents over the limit of $20 I just didn’t have the heart to turn them down for a chance to shine.    Ooops a little Shimmer Paint humor crept in there ( uh huh I’m finally gonna post tips and links for the shiny sparkle stuff on Wednesday – see what happens when you clean out your drafts file :D).  And of course if you want to see the full lists of Under $20 stamp sets and wheels check out the documents in the right hand sidebar available for viewing, printing or download.  Generally speaking I define frugal sets as being under $20 but of course there is the occasional exception for those with a high degree of utility or are just to beautiful to quibble over an extra 95 cents. 😀

Beginning with Fall then and seguing into snowflakes todays two featured stamp sets have taken the blogging/stamping world by storm and proven to be extremely popular.  With coordinating papers, rub ons and perfect complements to the new Shimmer Paints you can dress these two up or leave them rustic.  Simple or complex they are the perfect sets for the holiday season.

Autumn Splendor stamp images

Autumn Splendor – #116503, $20.95, pg. 12-13 2009 Holiday  Mini.    Coordinates with the new Autumn Meadows DSP also featured in the Holiday Mini.   This stamp set lends itself to many different techniques for variegated colors as well as perfect for embossing in metallics or craft inks.  Also works well with the new Table Settings Bigz die for use with the Big Shot.  One of the many advantages to the SU family of papers, stamps and dies is the overlapping coordination of color and form.  Not to mention the creative demo’s always ready to teach you how to use your latest purchases.


 SCS Gallery: http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=17820

Stampin Addicts Gallery: http://www.stampinaddicts.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=3238


http://www.sandimaciver.com/sandi_maciver/2009/11/autumn-splendor-diva-challenge-double-vision.html – nice and masculine too!



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4xiXk1WORU – reinker drop technique video with Autumn Splendor















Serene Snowflakes - samples

Serene Snowflakes stamp imagesSerene Snowflakes – #  115438, $20.95, pg. 26-27 2009 Holiday Mini.

Coordinates beautifully with the Icicle Rub ons, Printed Window sheets, Shimmer Paints and Metallic Elastic Cording also found on the same pages.

A combination of snowflakes that work well together or alone each with a slightly different look and feel as might be expected of snowflakes.   The larger square one always puts me in mind of Italian Renaissance, Baroque and other early periods or even a bit of a Moorish feel depending on the colors chosen.  The other two larger images have an almost Scandinavian or Pennsylvania Dutch feel to them that make me think of feather trees and gingerbread.   And of course the smaller trio stamp is perfect for backgrounds of snowflakes or stars.  And while the trio stamp doesn’t have a coordinating punch they can be punched using a Circle of appropriate size for all three or you can mask one or two of the stamps then punch the remaining with the Boho Flower Punch.   Stampers across the net are using this set with wonderfully different color combinations and whether CAS or more complex elegant designs are used they always bring a sparkle and shine to the cards or projects.  Especially when the new Shimmer paints are used in conjunction.  Check the Galleries and the links below to see a wide range of style and design that will have you reaching for your wish list if you don’t already own this set or its coordinating product.   A set you will be using for years to come  both as snowflakes or as design elements throughout the year.   The Square image with its arrows might work for Cupid in Valentines or as a compass image on a masculine card or any design where you might consider using Baroque Motifs this large image will also work particularly as a medallion for box lids, Stationary holders, etc.


SCS Gallery: http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=17834

Stampin Addicts Gallery: http://www.stampinaddicts.com/gallery/showgallery.php?cat=3252




























Icicle Rub ons image

Coordinating product:

Icicle Rub ons – # 116804, $10.95, pg. 27  2009 Holiday Mini.

Stampin’ Up’s Rub-Ons are exclusive designs that look wonderful on handmade cards and tags. But they’re also perfect for adding images to difficult-to-stamp surfaces, such as glass jars, plastic notebooks, photo frames, buttons, and ribbon. 5-7/8” x 12” intricately designed Rub-On sheets.
■ 2 sheets per package: 1 sheet of Silver images, and 1 sheet of Whisper White images
■ Can be used on unique, textured surfaces that are difficult to stamp on, such as glass, tin, and plastic as well as photos, clipboards, candles, and ribbons













Last up are a couple of holiday wheels one standard and one jumbo.  With wheels the essence of frugal stamping and useful in any number of ways from borders to backgrounds to punch piece feature elements they have a place in every stampers tool kit.   Unfortunately they are also the hardest item to find links for so these are a bit sparse.  Don’t take that to mean though that they aren’t of much use…quite often they are inadvertently left off supplies lists so Google has a hard time finding them.  And admittedly many stampers aren’t as familiar with their use and usefulness so are a bit shy of using them.    But once you get the hang of using the handle, ink cartridge and wheel properly you’ll find yourself reaching for them over and over.  Their quick, fun and add another layering element to your designs.   Have to say too that young stamps find them fascinating.  I’ve seen more than one picture posted by chagrined blogging Moms showing kids torsos and limbs well covered with wheel images for instant tattoos when Mom’s back was turned!   Not to worry SU inks are non toxic and wash off fairly easily and it might make for a bit of fun followed by bathtime.

Sparkling catalog image

Sparkling Jumbo Wheel – # 116444, $8.50 pg. 41 IBC.

Perfectly sized to create a background for punched snowmen, Dasher images or even a snow globe window sheet you can create your own sparkling blizzard.

Here’s what Stampin’ Up has to say:

Add a little sparkle to your holiday projects with the Sparkling Jumbo Stampin’ Around wheel! This fun wheel coordinates perfectly with the Sparkly & Bright Christmas set, and is ideal for creating easy borders, backgrounds, and embellishments.





Jolly catalog image

Jolly standard wheel – #112479, $6.50, pg. 31 IBC

Every snowflake is unique, and the Jolly wheel shows so many designs of the six-sided wonder. Make your gift wrap and packaging as unique and wonderful as a snowflake with this quick, easy solution!







I hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of Tightwad Tuesday and all the possibilities inherent in the featured stamps and wheels.    Check back in on Friday for another Frugal Friday entry.  And of course if you would like to order any of these items I’m more than happy to process an order for you or go to the online store and select me as your demonstrator before completing your order.

Hugs and blessings my fellow Frugalistas – Jean